Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Been a While

So I haven't really written a blog entry in a while and mood kind of hit me just as I was about to play some Xbox 360 & Kinect. Not to much to report sad to say. Started my vacation on Sunday. Glad to be off work but yesterday having the house to myself... Well not what I expected. But before I go into that time to update.

Since my last blog as I said kind of been boring, All I seem to do lately is work, if you follow me on Twitter than you see about 90% of my tweets are stating I am at work. It sucks that it seems to be all I do, but I as everyone else does, need the money to pay all my bills. But This week is my Vacation (9 days off to relax). :)

Saturday I finished Work at 10pm and than headed home. Packed up some Stuff and headed to Dramatic Mama's, got there a bit late but they weren't mad. I still feel bad though. The reason I went up so late was that on Sunday we had planned a mini road trip, C has lived in that area pretty much his whole life and knows some amazingly beautiful spots. We woke up kinda early (early for me not for them) got ready and left on our way. Was a lot of fun, but I would recommend a spare set of pants, I sat on my chocolate milk :(  Wasn't too bad and didn't get much on me. But Pj pants are not the best when that happens. We say some gorgeous little lakes, streams and waterfall like places. Even Stopped in to surprise a friend of theirs. Overall Amazing! Poor little D though, he was sick he seemed okay one moment than crying and sad the next. But I know he had a good time considering all the smiles.  

I also stayed Sunday night, so that means I woke up there for my Birthday morning. Yup just turned 22. Ugh I hate getting older. Dramatic Mama and I played some awesome rounds of Just Dance for Wii. Very fun and tiring. Can't wait until she can try my Kinect. We had a  chill day, she started to get D's cold, so we lounged outside for a bit and plain relaxed. When C got home from work he was a bit upset to here I was going home, said he owes me a Birthday Dinner!! :D yum can't wait because he is a good cook. maybe I should request a BBQ. Bring him my request than he cooks lol, Sounds like a plan to me. 

Monday was my Birthday, Got home and had to go to a Visitation of someone I went to High School with. I wasn't sure about going, I didn't really hang out with him and didn't want to offend or intrude. But my mom is kinda close to his so I went with her to show the family support. Not something anyone wants to do on their birthday but I am glad I went. He was 21 and died 6 weeks after being Diagnosed with Cancer. Definitely not something you expect to hear. I am going to be making a donation to The Canadian Cancer society for him, I know it hits home for a lot of people sadly so feel free to donate to the cause so maybe one day day people like Nick can Have a better fighting chance. 

RIP Nick, You will be missed by Everyone. Standing in the room, seeing all those you touched there was a sad and amazing sight. I always saw you smiling in the halls, and now I see you spread that smile wide and far. You will be missed Greatly. 

After that I can't really write anything else, It  would seem meaningless so I will leave the rest until another day. I leave you with this
 > Don't waste the day, You really never know when it will be you last or even the last of someone you Love. Take the small seconds in a day to smell the flowers, really look at a child smile, To memorize your loves face piece by piece. Hold those memories tight. <

TO all those soul lost Before their time, and those loved so dearly. 

RIP Nanny, Papa, Brad, Andrew, Nick, little Keegan and all those other lost ones out there.